I had fun watching my wife and kids watching a friend of my daughter's play Bioshock the other evening, which got me thinking about the interactive qualities of "watching."
So, I think that I've come to some kind of conclusion about how I feel about the presentation of Lara Croft's vulnerability in the new Tomb Raider. Some of it works. Some of it is unsettling.
With Great Vulnerability, Comes Great Brutality: The Evisceration of Lara Croft
Kind of surprised at myself for not having written anything about Little Inferno, but then again, I may have said my peace on it in this week's podcast:
The Moving Pixels Podcast Has The Fireplace that Burns at 100 Billion Degrees
Assuming you can stand it, a bit more of me whining about the soullessness of Dishonored:
Moving Pixels Podcast: A Heart, Sure, But a Soul for Dishonored?