Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Taming of the Dude: Catherine and the Sex Comedy

Okay, so more discussion of Catherine. I really like the game and keep talking about it. In fact, we'll be recording a podcast on it tonight (probably a couple of weeks out before that goes live, though).

This time I focus on Catherine as a traditional farce, so it is much more a discussion of the plot and how it compares to some cinematic forebears than the gameplay issues I discussed last week (which you can find a link to a few entries below).

I think that there are some good things in here, but I am not sure because my wife didn't read it before it went live for a change. Wish I had her opinion beforehand. She usually catches the obviously dumb stuff if there is any.

The Taming of the Dude: Catherine and the Sex Comedy

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